Billy Fiske Blog

The next speaker in the Trust’s exciting series of webinars will be a hands-on historian and Spitfire pilot with exceptional credentials.

Billy Fiske Bentley

Billy Fiske was a well-connected young man. When he came to Britain to study, he fitted like a glove into the circle of upper middle class, public school educated daredevils who had pioneered winter sports in Switzerland and motor racing at Brooklands circuit. Even as an undergraduate at Cambridge, Billy spent his time questing for speed and excitement. It was mainly big-engined cars which attracted him.

To begin, let us say, “Thank you!” 2020 was quite a year to kick off the Billy Fiske Foundation.

US Pentagon, Washington, DC

Last week, my good friend Admiral Jim Stavridis wrote a very thoughtful piece in the Washington Post, “Don’t Brand Everyone Who Served Trump with a Scarlet T.”

#GivingTuesday Please consider a financial gift to the Billy Fiske Foundation today and make this important monument a reality. Make a contribution at