Billy Fiske Blog

From the GE Defense & Aerospace Air Power Podcast [Jun 06, 24] Season 2 E22: Past & Present, an interview with Billy Fiske Foundation President, Kevin Billings, HGC, OBE. A discussion of the life of RAF Pilot Officer Billy Fiske and the unveiling and dedication of the statue of Fiske at the American Embassy in London, UK.

On 04 June, 2024, at the U.S. Embassy at Nine Elms in London, we will be unveiling and dedicating the long awaited statue of William Meade Lindsley Fiske III.

On behalf of the Billy  Fiske Foundation and 601 (County of London) Squadron, I want to extend our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to each and every person who joined us, in person or in spirit, for the 8th Annual Billy Fiske Dinner at the British Embassy in Washington.

The Foundation met Mark James through our social media posts. Mr. James is considered a true and faithful friend to the Billy Fiske Foundation and can be found at Billy’s grave most every 17th of August, as well as on other occasions. Mr. James tends to Billy’s grave, keeping it clean as well as adorning the grave with US and UK flags. We caught up with Mark and asked him a few questions.